Hi Cap
Adna School District K-12 Highly Capable Program
The Washington State Legislature passed a law (WAC 392-170) that requires
all school districts to identify and serve their “most highly capable” students and provide a
continuum of services to those students in Kindergarten through
12th grade, beginning in the 2014-2015 school year.
Definition of Highly Capable Student
A student who has been assessed to have superior intellectual ability as demonstrated by one or more of the multiple criteria specified in WAC 392-170-040. These students exhibit high capability in intellectual and/or creative areas, possess an unusual leadership capacity, or excel in specific academic fields, thereby requiring services beyond the basic programs provided by
Program Design
The Adna School District Highly Capable Program is designed to meet the academic needs of
our students in grades K-12 who fall generally in the top 3 percentiles for cognitive aptitude.
our students in grades K-12 who fall generally in the top 3 percentiles for cognitive aptitude.
Elementary Programs K-5
In grades K-5 highly capable services include providing all classroom teachers with professional development in differentiating instruction for highly capable learners and specially designed activities for identified students.
Middle School and High School Programs 6-12
At the middle and high school levels, highly capable support services generally include
differentiation in all classrooms and College in the Classroom offerings. In the middle and high school all teachers are encouraged to use their knowledge of highly capable characteristics and needs to best support their students.
differentiation in all classrooms and College in the Classroom offerings. In the middle and high school all teachers are encouraged to use their knowledge of highly capable characteristics and needs to best support their students.
Multi-Disciplinary Selection Committee (MSC):
The role of the MSC is to determine the final selection of students to be placed in the Highly
Capable Program according to WAC 392-170. The MSC will be comprised of:
Capable Program according to WAC 392-170. The MSC will be comprised of:
- Classroom teacher with training and expertise in teaching Highly Capable students
- Trained Assessment Proctor
- District Assessment Coordinator
- Building principal
If you believe that any K-12 student in the Adna School District may qualify for the highly capable program, you can nominate him or her by filling out the Highly Capable Nomination Form. Nomination forms are available in each school office . All completed nomination forms must be returned to the school office before the end of the day on February 20th. The District Multi-Disciplinary Selection Committee (MSC) will notify parents of the nominations and obtain written permission for further assessing.
Parent and teacher forms are screened for examples of exceptional creativity or other learning
characteristics that indicate high intellectual potential.
characteristics that indicate high intellectual potential.
Nominated students will be assessed using the Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT) assessment. The
CogAT assesses in Verbal, Quantitative, and Non-Verbal. This assessment will be administered
during the last week in February.
CogAT assesses in Verbal, Quantitative, and Non-Verbal. This assessment will be administered
during the last week in February.
Notification to Parents
A letter will be sent to parents with a copy of the assessment results and the MSC’s decision for
placement in the program.
placement in the program.
Appeals Process
An appeals process is available for the results of February testing. If you would like to appeal this decision, your written request must be delivered to your student's building principal.